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A57 Link Roads – **opportunity to make representations now open**

Tomo Thompson
By Tomo Thompson
13th August 2021


A57 Link Roads Project – Highways England

Open to make representations now until 23.59 on 16thSeptember 2021

The A57 Link Roads Project is the renamed Mottram bypass and Glossop Spur.  When the consultation was undertaken last year little information was provided. There is now moreinformation but still not enough detail to understand the full impacts of the scheme which is worrying. We need to press for rigorous scrutiny

The Planning Inspectorate (PINS) is starting a six-month Planning Examination into Highways England’s application for consent to build the A57 Link Roads –  Details here

The Planning Examination is likely to run between October 2021 and March 2022.  PINS are now taking registrations for Interested Parties until 23.59 16thSeptember 2021.  This means you can make a representation at the link above if you wish take part in the examination. We have prepared a short guide and template response here – A57 Link Roads – making a representation


The aim of the scheme is to reduce congestion, air pollution and noise along the A57/A628 Trunk Road and increase connectivity between Greater Manchester and Sheffield. A proposed dual carriageway passing to the north of Mottram and through a tunnel under Roe Cross, would link with Mottram Moor at a large traffic signal controlled junction. The scheme would continue south as single carriageway to join the A57 to Glossop. Carrhouse Lane would have an underpass and there would be a bridge across the River Etherow. The M67 roundabout would be expanded to three lanes with traffic lights. The plans to extend the bypass eastwards to the M1 remain at an early stage at a cost of between £8-10billion.

We have for many years campaigned for solutions that address the problems, and improve travel and quality of life for everyone (see our work on a Car Free Longdendale)

Our concerns

  1. The scheme would increase traffic. The benefits to Mottram come at the expense of the rest of Longdendale and  Glossopdale where traffic increases on many residential roads.
  2. Road accidents would increase with 102 extra collisions over 60 years but on the A57 Snake Pass, a high risk road for a fatal or serious injury crash, there would be 160 extra collisions over 60 years.
  3. Over 60 years the scheme would add an extra 399,867tonnes carbon dioxide. One tree absorbs around 1tonne of carbon dioxide in 100years. We cannot wait for nearly 400,000 trees to grow for 100years. Carbon emissions must be tested against international and national legislation and guidance.


  1. Air pollution improves for some households, for others nitrogen dioxide remains above the legal limit e.g. on Market Street, Hollingworth. For one property on Dinting Vale air pollution gets worse. The Air Quality Management Areas in Tintwistle and Glossop would remain.


  1. Wildlife habitats, such as wet grazing meadows, and protected species, such as bats and barn owls, would be lost. Local countryside, highly valued for its natural undeveloped character and open views, would be urbanised and the Green Belt would be cut in two.
  2. A lorry ban coupled with sustainable transport measures and technological improvements would bring lasting benefits and avoid the above adverse impacts. But Highways England rejected this option. Far reaching changes since 2015 – the declaration of a climate and nature emergency and the Covid-19 pandemic – make scrutiny of this option essential.
  3. The Peak District National Park is a bank for carbon, a haven for wildlife and a place where everyone can get outdoors and enjoy nature, and peace and quiet. With more traffic on cross Park routes these special qualities will be eroded.

If you need more information please read this briefing sheet – 

A57 Link Roads Key Points

or email